Welcome to Wishing for Christmas

This blog will have recipes and decorating ideas that hopefully some of you can use while your family and friends gather in.I wish you all the best for the season!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Storing an artificial tree

There are lots of us that use artificial trees. Don't you just hate it when you pull the tree out each year to put it up and you have to sort through the branches looking for the same color coded paint. Well you know that a lot of that paint gets worn off from year to year and doesn't that make it even more hard to tell which goes where? Sometimes the length can be hard to tell apart too. Here's a little trick my husband and I started doing a few years ago and it works really well. When you take the tree down this year, remove one row at a time. Flatten those branches down like you normally would. Now bundle them together with string, yarn, a strip of fabric, whatever you have. Each row gets separated as it's taken down. Next year when you pull the tree out to put it up, you won't be playing the guessing game. Hope this tip helps.

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